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2024-04-29 10:50:12 来源:润财文学 点击:11
1、为你遇见你,竟花光了我所有的运气。早安! It took all my luck to meet you for you. good morning! 2、相守,来世今生。早安! Stay together, afterlife and this life. good morning! 3、所有温暖如春的句子里,都藏着你的脸。早安! Your face is hidden in all warm sentences like spring. good morning! 4、只要心中有爱,就一定有希望。早安! As long as there is love in your heart, there must be hope. good morning! 5、一句平淡的话:知不知道,你很重要,早安! A plain word: do you know that you are very important? Good morning! 6、用我三生烟火,换你一世迷离。早安! Use my three fireworks for your life. good morning! 7、天塌了?我还在。早安! The sky is falling? I'm still there. good morning! 8、我不相信爱情,我只相信你。早安! I don't believe in love, I only believe in you. good morning! 9、跟着我,别走丢。早安! Follow me and don't get lost. good morning! 10、你所在之处,就是我心目中的天涯海角。早安! Where you are, is the ends of the earth in my mind. good morning! 11、我脑海里都是你。早安! I have you in my mind. good morning! 12、想把世界都给你,惯到生活不能自理。早安! Want to give you the world, used to life can't take care of yourself. good morning! 13、你爱我,溺爱我。早安! You love me and spoil me. good morning! 14、自从遇见你,人生苦短,甜长。早安! Since I met you, life is short and sweet. good morning! 15、天这么冷,我能不能钻钻你的大衣。早安! It's so cold, can I drill your coat. good morning! 16、多想住在你的心里,没有邻居。早安! How I want to live in your heart without neighbors. good morning! 17、每一个现在,都是我们以后的记忆。早安! Every present is our future memory. good morning! 18、我不擅长恋爱,但我天生爱你。早安! I'm not good at love, but I love you by nature. good morning! 19、我爱你,一生一世都爱你。早安! I love you all my life. good morning! 20、不睡觉的星星,代替我吻吻你的眼睛。早安! Stars that don't sleep, kiss your eyes instead of me. good morning! 21、牵着手,愿永久。早安! Hold hands and wish forever. good morning! 22、就是喜欢看你笑,你笑是我入眠的药。早安! I just like watching you laugh. Your smile is my sleeping medicine. good morning! 23、认真听你说每一句话,用心记下。早安! Listen carefully to every word you say and write it down carefully. good morning! 24、我的爱情世界里,不能缺少你。早安! In my love world, I can't lack you. good morning! 25、爱你是我做过的最明智的决定。早安! Loving you is the wisest decision I have ever made. good morning! 26、想想和我一同看日升日落的喜悦吧。早安! Think about the joy of watching the sunrise and sunset with me. good morning! 27、已是人海孤鸥,你似清朝朝暮。早安! It's a lonely gull in the sea of people. You look like the morning and evening of the Qing Dynasty. good morning! 28、希望你一直在我身边,以爱人的身份。早安! I hope you are always by my side as a lover. good morning! 29、认识你,让我的幸福如此悦耳。早安! Knowing you makes my happiness so pleasant. good morning! 30、对你,不管阴晴圆缺,也不变。早安! For you, it doesn't change whether it's cloudy, sunny, round or short. good morning! 31、我有太多浪漫都想在你身上施展。早安! I have too much romance to show on you. good morning! 32、他是我凶了以后又想哄开心的人。早安! He is the one who wants to make me happy after I'm fierce. good morning! 33、今生,我只爱你!早安! This life, I only love you! good morning! 34、一句平淡的话:知不知道,你很重要,早安啊! A plain word: do you know that you are very important? Good morning! 35、我想和你谈一场不分手的恋爱。早安! I want to have a relationship with you without breaking up. good morning! 36、哪有什么四季,遇见你,四季如春。早安! Where are the four seasons? When I meet you, the four seasons are like spring. good morning! 37、心是我的,可里面装的全是你。早安! My heart is mine, but it's full of you. good morning! 38、后来烟雨落盛京,一人撑伞两人行。早安! Later, the misty rain fell on Shengjing. One person held an umbrella and two people walked. good morning! 39、每天,很想你。早安! Every day, miss you very much. good morning! 40、余生,请多赐教。早安! Please give me more advice for the rest of your life. good morning! 41、许你万水千山。早安! I promise you thousands of rivers and mountains. good morning! 42、不偏不倚,不早不晚,刚好是你。早安! Impartial, early or late, just you. good morning! 43、你要坚定我,我才能发挥我百分百的甜。早安! You have to firm me, I can play my 100% sweet. good morning! 44、这是我的女人。早安! This is my woman. good morning! 45、为你翻山越岭,却无心看风景。早安! I climb mountains for you, but I don't want to see the scenery. good morning! 46、一个你,一颗心。早安! One you, one heart. good morning! 47、愿有人问你粥可温,有人与你共黄昏。早安! May someone ask you if your porridge is warm, and someone share the evening with you. good morning! 48、我想偷你的体温。早安! I want to steal your temperature. good morning! 49、我比谁都肤浅,所以爱你,比谁都认真。早安! I am more superficial than anyone, so I love you more seriously than anyone. good morning! 50、爱你,一生无悔。早安! Love you, life without regret. good morning! 51、世界需要讲讲道理,但我最偏心你。早安! The world needs to be reasonable, but I like you most. good morning! 52、希望以后的每天,都能和你说早安。 I hope I can say good morning to you every day in the future. 53、牵手一辈子,幸福无尽头。早安! Hand in hand for a lifetime, happiness has no end. good morning! 54、我爱你的心,是直到世界末日也不变。早安! I love your heart until the end of the world. good morning! 55、全世界的大人,一个人的小朋友。早安! Adults all over the world, one's children. good morning! 56、简单的生活,何尝不是一场华丽的冒险。早安! Simple life is not a gorgeous adventure. good morning! 57、请原谅我心胸狭隘,只装得下你一人。早安! Please forgive me for being so narrow-minded that I can only fit you. good morning! 58、至我深爱的人你若安好,便是晴天。早安! To the person I love deeply, if you are well, it will be sunny. good morning! 59、爱情最美好的状态,就是一辈子!早安! The best state of love is a lifetime! good morning! 60、只要看到你的笑,世界就没有那么糟。早安! As long as I see your smile, the world is not so bad. good morning! 61、你的嘴唇很好看,适合接吻和说爱我。早安! Your lips are beautiful, suitable for kissing and saying love me. good morning! 62、我决定好好生活慢慢爱你。早安! I decided to live a good life and love you slowly. good morning! 63、一辈子那么长,等你几年算什么。早安! Life is so long, waiting for you for a few years is nothing. good morning! 64、我爱这世间,但这世间不如你。早安! I love this world, but this world is not as good as you. good morning! 65、你陪着我的时候,我从未羡慕过任何人。早安! When you were with me, I never envied anyone. good morning! 66、你是口中情,眼中喜,心中爱,意中人。早安! You are the love in your mouth, the joy in your eyes, the love in your heart, and the right person. good morning! 67、曾经迷惘的心中,是你牵引我走出寂寞。早安! Once lost heart, you lead me out of loneliness. good morning! 68、我的心,只给你。早安! My heart is only for you. good morning! 69、我们结婚吧。早安! marry me. good morning! 70、想牵先生的手,想被先生摸摸头。早安! I want to hold my husband's hand and be touched by my husband's head. good morning! 71、与你,地老天荒。早安! With you, the end of time. good morning! 72、我的身边并不拥挤,你来了就是唯一。早安! My side is not crowded, you are the only one. good morning! 73、遇上你,是缘分。早安! It's fate to meet you. good morning! 74、早安,宝贝。一夜好梦,一天好心情。 Good morning, baby. A good night's dream and a good day's mood. 75、梦想的生活有一百种,种种都有你。早安! There are 100 kinds of dream life, all of which have you. good morning! 76、痴痴的眼,看你。早安! Crazy eyes, look at you. good morning! 77、十里山河不如你,万般野心只为你。早安! Ten miles of mountains and rivers are not as good as you. All ambitions are only for you. good morning! 78、我想要做你的枕边书,怀中猫,心上人。早安! I want to be your pillow book, cat in your arms, sweetheart. good morning! 79、你需要我,我就在你能看到的地方。早安! You need me, I'm where you can see. good morning! 80、与你相见,是我最美的相遇。早安! Meeting you is my most beautiful encounter. good morning! 81、知道你会来,所以我等。早安! I knew you would come, so I waited. good morning! 82、柴米油盐,是你。早安! It's you. good morning! 83、我的欢喜不变。早安! My joy remains the same. good morning!




