
2024-05-06 13:44:48 来源:润财文学 点击:11
1、确认过眼神,你就是对的那个人。 I've made sure you're the right person. 2、愿得一人心,白首不相离。 Catch one's heart, never be apart. 3、你可以将余生交给我保管,可以霸占我的每一句喜欢。 You can leave the rest of your life to me and occupy every sentence I like. 4、在天愿作比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝。 On high, we'd be two birds flying wing to wing. On earth, two trees with branches twined from spring to spring. 5、一见便钟情,一眼定终身,一生只爱你。 I love you at first sight. I love you all my life. 6、往后余生,慢慢调教。 For the rest of my life, I'll teach slowly. 7、能和你结婚,真是我这辈子最自豪的事。 It's the proudest thing in my life to marry you. 8、看着你的时候,世界都是温暖色的。 When I look at you, the world is warm. 9、从前,眼前人是心上人。以后,心上人是枕边人。 Once upon a time, the person in front of me was my sweetheart. After that, my sweetheart is my pillow. 10、你是水,维系着我的生命。 You are the water that keeps me alive. 11、从今往后,富贵是你,清贫是你,走到白头。 From now on, wealth is you, poverty is you, go to the white head. 12、我的眼里容不下没有星辰大海,唯有你! There is no star in my eyes, only you! 13、你的一出现,别人都显得不过如此。 As soon as you appear, other people just look like this. 14、遇到你之前,我以为,我不会落入世人的俗套。 Before I met you, I thought that I would not fall into the world's stereotype. 15、不早不晚,刚好是你。 It's not too late, it's just you. 16、海上月在天上,心上人在眼前。 The moon on the sea is in the sky, and my sweetheart is in front of me. 17、酸甜苦辣与你分享,三餐四季与你攻读,这样的人间,才算值得。 It's worth it to share the ups and downs with you and study with you in the four seasons. 18、春风十里也不如你。 Spring breeze is not as good as you. 19、从此生活不再是一个人,余生我们一起过。 Since then, life is no longer a person, the rest of our lives together. 20、你就是我的最爱,永远不会改变。我将用我一生来呵护你,不让你受半点委屈。 You are my favorite and will never change. I will use my life to care for you, do not let you suffer any injustice. 21、我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁!亲爱的,请让我守护你的一生! I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am in front of you! Dear, please let me guard your life! 22、人生太长,我想挽着你的胳膊,陪你看夕阳。 Life is too long, I want to hold your arm and watch the sunset with you. 23、哪怕我们以后白发苍苍,你依旧是我手心里的那个宝。 Even if we are white haired, you are still the treasure in my hand. 24、以爱之名,共度余生。 Spend the rest of your life in the name of love. 25、好好生活,慢慢爱你。不早不晚,刚好是你。 Live a good life and love you slowly. It's not too late, it's just you. 26、余生,请多赐教。 Please give me more advice for the rest of your life. 27、我也曾虚度浪费光阴,甚至莽撞到视死如归,却因为爱上了你,开始渴望长命百岁。 I also wasted my time, even recklessly to death, but because I fell in love with you, I began to yearn for a long life. 28、相爱是山长水阔,最后是你。 Love is long and wide, and finally you. 29、你的过去我来不及参与,你的未来我要奉陪到底。 I don't have time to participate in your past. I will accompany you to the end in your future. 30、以后我想要一直陪你笑,不会陪你哭。因为我不会让你哭!嫁给我吧! I want to laugh with you all the time, not cry with you. Because I won't make you cry! Please marry me! 31、缘让我相遇,份让我们相聚,爱让我们来世再续。永远爱你,不离不弃。 Fate let me meet, share let us get together, love let us continue in the afterlife. Always love you, never leave. 32、与你的美丽相遇,是我今生誓死的守护。 Meeting your beauty is my life-long guard. 33、我没有很多绵绵情话我只想用我的真情告诉你:谢谢你愿意,我永远爱你! I don't have a lot of love words, I just want to use my true feelings to tell you: Thank you for your willingness, I love you forever! 34、我的梦想,就是与你白头而死。 My dream is to die with you. 35、亲爱的,再美好的话语都描绘不出我对你的爱。 Dear, the most beautiful words can't describe my love for you. 36、我对你的喜欢可以绕地球很多很多圈。 My love for you can go around the earth a lot. 37、这一生对于我来说,最奢侈的事情,莫过于和你私定终身。 For me, the most luxurious thing in this life is to have a private life with you. 38、往后,将我的余生和偏爱,尽数赠予你。 In the future, I will give you the rest of my life and preferences. 39、如果今生我们爱不够,我相信来生在一起更长久。 If we don't love enough in this life, I believe we will be together for a long time in the next life. 40、往后余生平淡是你,富贵是你,让我们一起白头偕老。 For the rest of our lives, you will be plain and you will be rich. Let's grow old together.




